I thought I’d revisit the dubsiren, which was one of the first instruments I sold at Elevator Sounds in Bristol. I tweaked the old schematic I was using and this is what I have decided on – it’s just a simple dub siren with a square or triangle wave output; pushbutton or continuous control and […]
Monthly Archives: June 2018
Liverpool Maker Faire
I’ll be at the Liverpool Maker Faire next weekend with a stall of goodies to play with as well as noisy bstrds and other items for sale. Say hello, make noise, touch stuff https://lpoolmakefest.org/makers-2018/
Noisy Bstrd for Modular Coming Soon!
I’m working with Instruo to release a version of the noisy bstrd for eurorack! Thing are underway and it should be available soon!
Chemtrail Party Mix
For the Chemtrail Party Mix in Liverpool, I’ve been experimenting with the bare conductive touch board to create audible chemtrails. The touchboard is fun and quite easy to use, built on an arduino with extra features. I used the onboard midi to create two proximity sensors.
MIR Brazil Blog
I’ve recently been in Rio de Janeiro at the moment doing a musician in residence with Novas Frequencias Festival, the British Council and PRS. making new work and instruments during the residency and keeping a blog of research and experiments. >> read it here